Grants and Gratitude – Thank you to the generous organizations and patrons who support our Library!

We are delighted to announce that the William G. Pomeroy Foundation has approved a grant for the Bolton Free Library to receive a historic marker! A late spring/early summer date will be announced for the installation of the historic marker.

The Bolton Free Library started as a Reading Association (annual dues were $1 per person). The first librarian was Mrs. J.E. Stafford. She was paid $4 per month.

The Bolton Free Library received a provisional charter in 1901, and the final charter in 1906.

The Library building was built in 1902 by Mr. Frank Shippy, and we have been here in this location ever since!

A late spring/early summer date will be announced for the installation of the historic marker.

Thank you so much to the Lake George Community Garden Club for this beautiful festive wreath! It’s hanging on the front door of the Library and bringing a smile to everyone who comes in!


American Library Association (ALA) Libraries Transforming Communities (LTC): Accessible Small and Rural Communities Round #2 Grant $10,000 to cover the costs of the sidewalk expansion/improvement project

LARAC – For the second year in a row, we are very fortunate to receive a Community Arts Grant from the Lower Adirondack Regional Arts Council. Twelve students will attend three evening sessions with Patrice Jarvis-Weber to expand their painting skills. Using photographs depicting subjects of nature, students will learn to paint their own versions using acrylic paints. They will explore brushstroke techniques, color blending, and value to create a finished piece after each class. Students will be introduced to the basics of complimentary colors as well. This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrant Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by the Lower Adirondack Regional Arts Council.

NOROWAL Community Fund – Thank you so much to the NOROWAL Community Fund! Their generous support will help fund the costs of replacing our Library desktop computer and two public computers. Our public computers are available to any community member who needs them, and no appointment or sign-up is necessary.

Pomeroy Foundation – We are delighted to announce that the William G. Pomeroy Foundation has approved a grant for the Bolton Free Library to receive a historic marker! The marker will be installed in late spring. We will announce the date as we get closer.

Stewart’s Holiday Match Grant – We recently received a very generous grant from the Stewart’s Holiday Match Program! Stewart’s Shops collects and matches donations from their shops from Thanksgiving until Christmas. Half of the grants are funded by the community members, and then Stewart’s doubles every donation! We will use this grant to help fund our children’s literacy outreach efforts, by providing a Birthday Book to every child at Bolton Central School in PreK-6th grade, as well as holiday books to the children of the Bolton After School Program, as well as other outreach programs.

To learn more about this wonderful program, visit their website at:

Warren County Community Conservation Grant Program – Many thanks to the Warren County Community Conservation Grant Program for a generous $1,000 grant to complete our Native Garden! We received a grant from them last year, which allowed us to prepare the ground on the north side of the Library building, and now we are ready to plant native wildflowers!

To learn more about Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District and their many programs and events, visit their website at:

Read With Jenna Book Club – The Bolton Free Library was recently selected to receive 3 cases of #ReadWithJenna books from Jenna’s Book Club on the Today Show, and we are so grateful!!!! This generous gift of fabulous, bestselling books will be a wonderful addition to our shelves. We’re currently creating a special display to highlight the books!

Do you need to print a document?

Thanks to the generosity of a 2023 NOROWAL Community Contribution grant, the Bolton Free Library was able to purchase this high speed color copier. Come by the Library and let us help you with your printing needs!


We are delighted to announce the completion of our sidewalk project!

Jesse Howard / JMB Enterprises did a great job, from demolishing the old sidewalks to putting in our new, wider, more accessible sidewalks, to include a new section of walkway connecting our front entrance area to the side ramp.

This project was partially funded by a very generous grant from the American Library Association for the Libraries Transforming Communities: Accessible Small and Rural Communities initiative

Libraries Transforming Communities: Accessible Small and Rural Communities is an initiative of the American Library Association (ALA) in collaboration with the Association for Rural and Small libraries (ARSL).


American Library Association (ALA) Libraries Transforming Communities (LTC): Accessible Small and Rural Communities Grant $10,000 to improve the accessibility of the Library sidewalks to the ramp

Charles R. Wood Foundation – $2,500 to support our children’s literacy efforts

Cloudsplitter Foundation  $937   For a new, improved Library Sound System and $500 for Mission Support

LARAC Arts Education Grant $1,170 for a 3 part Painting Series on Georgia O’Keeffe

NOROWAL Community Contribution $2,500 for a new color copier and additional sidewalk costs

Stewart’s Shops $500 in support of the 2023 Meet The Author Series

Stewarts Holiday Match Grant $450 Books and materials for children’s literacy

Price Chopper Golub Foundation $500 Support for Summer 2023 Meet The Author program series

Adirondack Action Pollinator Project  Pollinator Kits were distributed for Pollinator Week June 19-25, 2023

American Library Association and Carnegie Mellon Foundation We were selected to receive a BookList Reader grant from the American Library Association and Mellon Foundation. This consists of one year of monthly copies of Booklist Reader for our patrons and a Library subscription to Booklist Reader that will allow us to share digitally through our website. This subscription started in June 2023.

Southern Adirondack Library System  Construction Challenge Grant  for Air Duct clean and Duct Relocation in the amount of $4,820.   

NYSED Grant $8,324 for an outside backup generator.



The Bolton Free Library would like to extend our gratitude to the generous organizations – as well as individual donors – who have supported the Library in 2022.  Without your contributions, the Library would not be able to offer the many services, programs, and events that we do – and we are steadily adding new programs and events each year!  As a small public Library in continuous operation at this location since 1906,  we are faced with the combined challenges of maintaining our physical location while updating our services to meet the growing and changing needs of our community.  
The grants and donations we received in 2022 have enabled us to continue our mission of meeting the informational, educational, cultural and general needs of the community by offering the following in 2022:

1.  The Library supports the Bolton After School Program on Thursdays with storytime, plus other activities and classes.
2.  The Library provided each child at Bolton Central School in grades K-5 with a “Birthday Book”*.
3.  The Library also provided each child in the Bolton After School Program with two beautiful hardcover books* as a holiday gift.
4.  The Library hosted three popular Meet The Author events outdoors on the front lawn.
5.  A beautiful new circulation desk was installed, creating an Americans with Disabilities Act ADA compliant checkout area, improving patron traffic flow, and allowing greater organization of the Library’s daily operations.
6.  The installation of new windows, doors and insulation, in addition to the upkeep and improvements of the 100+ year old Library’s foundation and siding, all which have reduced energy costs and kept the Library a beautiful and welcoming structure.

*All books were purchased from Northshire Bookstore in Saratoga Springs, our closest local bookstore.

2022 Grants

Adirondack Foundation  $1,500   Increasing Children’s Literacy Bolton Central School Birthday Books
Charles R. Wood Foundation  $3,000 for the Bolton Free Library Community Outreach
NOROWAL Community Contribution  $4,000 Generator Backup Project
NYSED Library Development  $19,885   New Windows, Doors & Insulation
SALS Challenge Grant  $5,000  New Circulation Desk
Stewart’s Foundation  $500   Holiday Books for Bolton After School Program Children
Warren County Community Conservation  $1,000 to plant a native garden on the north side of the Library

The Annual Book Sale

Thank you to all of our hard working volunteers, book donors, Town of Bolton employees, and shoppers for your support! The 2024 Bolton Free Library Book Sale was a big success!!

Bolton Free Library In The Community

2024 BASP Holiday Party

The Bolton Tree Lighting 2024

The Bolton Free Library participated in the December 1st Bolton Tree Lighting! Each one of the 38 children present were given a Christmas book, along with a chance to win one of three raffle prizes of a bag of activity books.  It was a beautiful but brisk day enjoyed by many Bolton Families.

Up Yonda Trunk or Treat 2024

The Bolton Free Library participated in the Up Yonda Trunk or Treat on a breezy and beautiful day. 700 participants attended with about 500 children receiving a spider ring, candy and books from our organization. Thanks to our volunteers who helped make this event a success!

This was our 3rd year participating in the Up Yonda Trunk or Treat, and it’s one of our favorite community events. To date, the Bolton Free Library has distributed just over 1,000 books to children at the Trunk or Treat!

Bolton After School Program 2023 Holiday Book Program

We had the BEST time last week, giving books to the kiddos of the The Bolton After School Program ! The gift of books for this Literacy in the Community program was made possible by a generous grant from the Stewart’s Shops Holiday Match grant!

Bolton Landing Tree Lighting Ceremony 2023

The weather was so bad the event was moved inside, but we still had a wonderful time! The Bolton Free Library gave away over 30 books to children of the community.

Up Yonda Farm’s Trunk or Treat 2023

October 2023 – We had so much fun last weekend at this wonderful annual event! We gave away over 300 children’s books, and a lot of candy as well.

Thank you so much to our generous volunteers and candy donors who make this fabulous community event so special

Birthday Book Cart at BCS

October 2023 – The Bolton Free Library recently gave out free birthday books to all the Pre-K through 6th grade students at Bolton Central School. The children were able to select their own books and Megan Baker, the Library Director, had a great time!

Story Laurie Summer Fun

July 2023 The Bolton Free Library and the Town of Bolton recently co-hosted the amazing Story Laurie for a mid-summer adventure Around the World in an Afternoon. Kids of all ages were delighted by Laurie’s musical, interactive storytelling.

Birthday Book Giveaway!

June 2023 The Bolton Free Library recently handed out Birthday Books to all the students at Bolton Central School, thanks to very generous grants from Charles R. Wood Foundation and Stewart’s Shops!

One of our missions is to put books in the hands of children to encourage a love of reading.

Holiday Fun

December 2022 The Bolton Free Library participated in the town festivities to celebrate the lighting of the town Christmas tree. We gave away holiday books and bears to over 60 children at this event, and had a wonderful time!

Halloween Fun at UpYonda Farm’s Trunk-or-Treat

October 2022 The Bolton Free Library had the BEST time at Upyonda Farms 2022 Annual Trunk-or-Treat! We gave out over 350 children’s books (and candy!!) to the children who attended this fantastic event.

A huge thank you to the many supporters who provided books and candy for this wonderful children’s event!

Fundraising at the Bolton Free Library

Check out our new tote bags and nifty decals – they make great gifts!

The tote bags are available for a $15 donation and the decals are available for a $5 donation. The iguana is not included.

The tote bags measure 14″ high, 18″ wide at the top, and have a bottom depth of 4″.

The decals measure 4″ x 6″.

Winter Wonder Basket – Last Chance to Buy Tickets!!

Many thanks to Anne Marie for another incredible basket! This basket of winter wonder has everything you need to enjoy the season.

Tickets can be purchased at the Bolton Free Library during normal business hours.

Winner will be drawn at the Bolton Free Library on Friday, December 20th at 1:00pm.

CONGRATULATIONS to Lainie A., winner of this beautiful basket!

TICKETS are $5 each / 3 for $10  All proceeds benefit the Bolton Free Library.

We have these BEAUTIFUL new handmade creations from our generous and talented friend Lynn. All proceeds benefit the Bolton Free Library!

We have an infestation….of cuteness! These mice are just $3 each and they’re not only for cats. Tie one on a gift for a small child – they’re just perfect for little hands. Did you know? A group of mice is called a mischief!

Bookmarks make wonderful stocking stuffers! These beauties were handmade by Lynn C.


There is an ongoing way to support your local library at no cost to you – if you bank with TD Bank, please ask them to sign you up for the Affinity Program for Bolton Free Library. TD Bank will make an annual contribution to the Bolton Free Library based on the activity of all participating members’ TD Bank accounts.

Programs, Events & Clubs


Call us at 518-644-2233 to sign up for the February Rising Moon class, or sign up through this link:

To sign up for the March 27th Three Tulips session, please call us at 518-644-2233 or sign up here:


Trivia Nights return in February 2025 -Join us the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month!

BOLTON FREE LIBRARY BOOK CLUB – Come join us on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. You don’t need to read the book to come to our meetings

Need a reason to get out of the house? Bring your favorite mug or travel cup and join us at the Bolton Free Library on the first Tuesday of each month!

The baked goods are generously donated by the Bolton Landing Tops Market! Our next Coffee Time is March 4th Join Us!

Are you interested in joining our Fiber Arts Club? Give us a call at 518-644-2233 or just pop in!

The Thursday Playgroup is on hiatus, but every day is a great day to come play at the Bolton Free Library. Kids of all ages can enjoy the train table, stuffed animals, games, toys, and books!

Digital Content Access

Download eBooks, Audiobooks, Magazines and more to your favorite device with the Libby app

Borrow ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from your local library system for FREE! All you need is your library card.

Libby is the library reading app by OverDrive, loved by millions of readers worldwide.

Visit to get started, or go to your App Store and search for the Libby app. The Libby App thumbnail looks like this:

Simply download the app to your phone or laptop, link your Library card (you can link multiple Library cards if you are a member of multiple Library systems), and start enjoying amazing digital content!

Questions? Call Megan or Sarah at 518-644-2233, or bring your device to the Library and we’ll help you get started!

Libby offers many unique features, as seen below.

And now library card holders have even more digital content to choose from!

OverDrive reciprocal lending with Mohawk Valley, Mid-Hudson and Upper Hudson Library Systems will go live on March 27th, 2023.  This program allows patrons to borrow select available content from any partner system’s OverDrive collection.  To access the available titles, patrons just need to add the other library systems to their accounts in the Libby app and log in with their library card.  Instructions for how to add a library can be found here for Libby, and are listed below.

Patrons can also access the partner systems’ collections via SALON by clicking on the Partner Libraries link when logged into their account.  The link is not currently visible in SALON, but should be on Monday, March 27th.